Species analysis
Statistical exploration
Classification trees
Vesper Sparrow
Occurred the most disproportionately in hexagons with less than 683
mm of annual precipitation and where the most extensive land cover
type covers more than 22% of a hexagon. In moister parts of its range
(683-1511 mm annual precipitation), it occurred mostly in hexagons
with less than 61% mixed forest with Douglas-fir dominant and less
than 37% Douglas-fir - white fir - tanoak - madrone mixed forest. The
logistic regression analysis showed positive or negative association
with big sagebrush shrubland, Douglas-fir - white oak forest,
ponderosa pine forest, number of land cover types, the extent of public
land, and April precipitation (hex. avg.).
Classification trees
Hexagons: using ONHP land cover classification (accuracy score: 89.98)
Squares: using ONHP land cover classification (accuracy score: 82.20)
Hexagons: using AVHRR land cover classification (accuracy score: 88.37)